No one has all the answers and most of us have few of the answers and only those we’ve worked out the hard way.
First, it occurs to me that there are sizes to decisions.
- · So deciding to have coffee or tea or to go out and get groceries when it is raining or wait till it stops. These seem little decisions.
- · Buying a car or going on a holiday may be a medium-sized decision.
- · Then there are the humongous, significant, life-changing decisions, like getting married or moving to a new place or quitting a job.
As for making decisions, some just stumble into decisions because they think not deciding is better than to decide and miss all the options and potential. So, they put off making decisions, however, that IS making a decision! It is about avoiding responsibility for the decision, as I see it. “If the world rolls over me, then it is not my fault and I don’t have to take responsibility for what is happening to and with me.” Not true!
For me, I do a little of that when I am particularly afraid because I hope someone will help me and make everything all better…but no one does.
How I Made the Decision to Come to Australia
There are, however, some things I have learned over my lifetime to make significant decisions. Such as my decision to leave America and come to Australia. Perhaps they may help you.
Most of all I spent a lot of time reading my Bible and praying -- because if Psalm 139 is true -- and I KNOW it is -- then my heavenly Father knows best.
When I came to Australia, it was the most unlikely of times and it was the most outlandish of possibilities. I had a proper career and what was a promising future. I sometimes still wonder what would have happened if I had stayed working at the bank.
I was successful at my work, had a wonderful social network, was very busy teaching Scripture and was involved in some amazing discipleship opportunities (my being discipled). Then there was my family. My Mom was not getting younger and I could not imagine being far from my brother and his wife.
Then one morning as I was having my devotions, there was a Scripture passage that let me know beyond doubt. I was sure, puzzled as to why, but sure that God wanted me to quit my job and go to Australia…the “mission field God has called me to”.
Fulfilling that decision, by the way, was not one bit easy. Oh, leaving my job was easy, but bittersweet as I had enjoyed working with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever known, many of whom are still dear and close friends -- even from so far away.
All the Reasons NOT to Go!
But there was a YEAR delay in moving to Australia due to paperwork problems. Since I’d stepped out on faith and the word of those in Australia, I had given my month’s notice and then was unemployed.
I had to move my Mom back to Atlanta and while there was pressed to get another job with a marketing organisation. They had to understand that at some point my paperwork would be finalised, and I would leave.
But it was probably the best job I EVER had. I simply loved the people, most of whom were Christians who shared my love of Scripture! I then became convinced God would not want me to leave this amazing company and His people in a country that LOVED the Lord and where I had family, friends, discipleship and fellowship with His people.
To give ALL this up to be in a strange country where so few seemed to have a faith. I knew no one there. I would be thousands of miles away, a dozen hours different in time zones and going home would be a day of travel! What COULD God be thinking!
The passage in Acts, however, haunted me (if I can use that term). It stayed in my thoughts and when I rested in it, it was so comforting I’m unsure how to describe the peace as I began to know I would go. The passage? Acts 8:26-40
And it did NOT make ANY sense…why would He ever want to send me into a desert land to speak with people who weren’t interested! So my “wisdom” was pretty useless in the long run. Logic and common sense was overridden by God’s perfect wisdom and omniscience!
I went, and it has been both the best of times and the worst of times, to borrow a phrase, yet God has grown to be so much more significant in my daily walk. Oh, I am still only a sinner saved by grace, desiring to please Him each day and disappointing Him regularly, but my LOVE and TRUST is continually developing.
Practical Application of Christian Decision-Making
· You check to see if you are "healthy" in the Lord, meaning you have used "Spiritual Soap" which is I John 1:9
· You check to see if whatever you are wondering about is written about clearly in God's Word.
· You check to see if there are basic underlying principles clearly written about in God's Word
· If there is nothing clearly written (such as “Do not murder. Do not steal.”)
· Then seek the wisdom of wise counsellors who also believe God is the focus of wisdom and truth. If they do not advise against what you are seeking God's will about, then...step forward.
· Keep stepping forward, while you ask the Lord to close any doors He does not want you to walk through.
· Then keep stepping forward/taking action as if it is the right thing to do.
· When a door closes, thank Him for helping you.
· When a door is open, walk through it and thank Him for helping you.
· Sometimes as you are stepping forward it seems there is no floor out there, but if you follow the steps above, there is a floor there...or you are meant to fall. Trusting Him also means you are willing to fall because He can and will catch you or He will send another to catch you.
12 Helpful Decision-Making Questions for Christians
None of these should be considered in isolation or seen as a set of iron-fast rules. They are just some areas (elements of our decision-making process) to look at, and some questions to ask when trying to work out what God wants you to do.
The overriding rule is, if we put Jesus first in our thoughts, desires, and actions, then His will will just happen! Remember God will probably not make His will known in only one way and at only one time. Be open.
Interestingly enough, nowhere in the Bible does it say for us to KNOW God’s will, it just says to trust in Him and do it. You could use these questions as a helpful guide with all things you do.
Scriptural Consistency
Is it consistent with the Bible?
Everything we do should be consistent with the Bible, and nothing should contradict it.
Personal Potential
Do I have the ability to do it?
God equips us for what He wants us to do. And we will probably have an ability in the area.
Personal Desire
Have I got a desire to do it?
God wants our desires. He can and does use our desires to direct us if they are directed to him.
Personal Consistency
Is it consistent with my life so far?
God usually directs us to things that develop logically from where we are and have come from.
Christian Life
How close to Jesus am I am this moment?
We should be in a close relationship with Jesus if we want God’s guidance and leading.
Wise Counsel
What is the opinion of those I regard?
Always take into consideration, the wisdom of some Christians who are really “switched on.”
Personal Conviction
What is my “gut feeling” on it?
Quite often God will use our instinct, common sense and conscience to direct us.
Sign Posts
Have there been any indications or signs?
God may make it obvious to us by opening up specific opportunities / doors for us.
Do I need God’s guidance NOW?
Make decisions only when they need to be made. Don’t worry about future decisions.
Post Decision
What are the consequences of doing it?
If we do something, will the consequences be acceptable or desirable and clearly God’s Will.
Don’t Do It Scenario
What happens if I don’t do it?
If nothing happens as a result of my not doing it, then it probably wasn’t that critical.
Glorify God
Will it bring glory to God?
Everything we do should glorify God. If by doing something we can’t, then we shouldn’t do it.
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