Saturday, October 7, 2017

Be Careful What You Believe

Today I spoke with a lovely young woman who is facing something very difficult.  She is now thirty-five years old.  She reads her Bible.  She attends a church.  She prays, I am certain.  Yet is breaks my heart to realise, by her own choice, she falls into the arms of prosperity teachers.  

But should I be surprised?  Her mother and father divorced when she was ten.  Her mother remarried a man so rich she only stays with him to inherit his money, knowing that her daughters are abused and threatened by this man regularly.  

This young woman's birth father died a year ago. She has come to a pattern of dating men 20+ years her senior and these men are also abusers who are brutal with her, so much so, in moments of rationality, she takes them to court and takes out restraining orders on them...but, like most abused women, relents and regrets her hurting her lovers and goes back with them.


Fit the World to the Gospel or Vice Versa?

A very interesting and important discussion on how "false news and the Good News" gets confused by what the world wants to make it.  

or search YouTube for
Voddie Bauchman 
Accurately Defends the Gospel on CNN 

You can't separate how someone governs from what they believe...actually believe.