Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mysteries of Grace Unravelled

I must have listened to two dozen different versions of Amazing Grace.  There were dozens more to listen to.  Everyone seems to want to sing this song that for some means life after life for eternity.  And when I found this version by the Gaithers...well I knew it was the one that would mean the most to those who know and have entrusted their lives into the safe keeping of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Enjoy.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9

9 Truths about Grace

1.      Grace is not withheld from anyone because they are not good enough.
2.      Grace is not granted in proportion to how good or how bad someone is.
3.      Grace cannot incur a debt – it does not create obligation from the giver.
4.      Grace is not exercised in the just payment of a debt.
5.      Grace is NEVER the over-payment of a debt.
6.      Grace is not a reward  or reason for our faith (If we trust God, He’ll give us grace...It is not a reward or reason for His grace.)
7.      Grace cannot be elicited from God...You can’t “pull” it out or off of God. 
8.      There are no “means for more or less grace.
9.      God gives grace in response to His heart-choice as we love His Son and chose to trust Him with our life

Probably the one area where Christians have the greatest struggle (after being saved) is God’s grace. 

It’s one of God’s mysteries....and it’s enough to know He does grant us grace when we accept His gift of salvation. 

Bottom line:  

There is nothing you can do that will make God love you more.  There is nothing you can do that will make God love you less.  That is the essence of Grace!

Take a moment to review the 9 Truths above.  Don’t be deceived by anything less or more ever again!